The other day I left home early in the morning for an appointment. While I was driving the car, I suddenly saw a misty, foggy landscape, like so often in autumn or wintertime. My camera is always ready in the car so I drove among the fields to find a place for taking a picture. The cows were out and I waited till the sun got up to take a shot of my “models”.
This is just one side of the autumn and one side of my village, which make the region I live in so interesting.
L’autre jour je suis partie tôt le matin et quand j’ai vu le brume sur les montagnes, je me suis arrêtée d’un coup. Comme toujours, j’ai mon appareil photo avec moi et j’ai pu profité des images matinales d’un mois d’octobre.
I had an appointment early this morning. For this, I had to cross the Rh…
18 October, 2018I got up early today. The lovely autumn weather inspired me to go for a…
18 October, 2018